Saturday, October 28, 2023

Trump’s Lawyers Should Have Known Better

Trump's Lawyers Should have known better

New York Times The historic Morris-Jumel Mansion is the “crown jewel of Sugar Hill” in Manhattan & a victim of bureaucratic and financial neglect.

Consequences and Accountability for Lawyers Involved in Trump's Election Scheme

1. Lawyers' Involvement in Trump's Scheme:
  • Three of former President Trump's lawyers have pleaded guilty to crimes in service of Trump's scheme to overturn the 2020 election.
  • Two other Trump lawyers still face criminal charges in the Georgia case.

2. Abuse of Power and Involvement of Lawyers:
  • Trump grossly abused the powers of his office, leading to criminal prosecutions, with the involvement of lawyers.
  • Lawyers provided the legal theory and phony facts to back up Trump's scheme, severely tarnishing their profession.

3. Urgency to Hold Lawyers Accountable:
  • Lawyers hold immense power within the American system of government and should be held to a higher standard.
  • The guilty pleas of Trump lawyers demonstrate that the system is working to hold lawyers accountable for breaking the law and violating ethical obligations.

4. Consequences for Trump Lawyers:
  • Giuliani's New York law license was suspended, and the District of Columbia's bar association recommended his license be permanently revoked.
  • Ellis was censured by Colorado state bar officials, and Eastman is facing disbarment trial in California.
  • Ruining careers over such behavior is the exception, as lawyers rarely face consequences for legal or ethical transgressions.

5. Lack of Consequences for Lawyers' Transgressions:
  • Lawyers rarely face consequences for their legal or ethical transgressions, partly due to the profession's opaque and feckless disciplinary system.
  • Many experienced attorneys were willing to tell lies and concoct laughable legal arguments to help Trump stay in office, tarnishing America's legal culture.

6. Reasons for Lawyers' Involvement:
  • The seduction of money and power contributed to lawyers' willingness to participate in Trump's scheme.
  • Intense pressure to satisfy powerful clients and the temptation to bring frivolous lawsuits were other factors.

7. Responsible Lawyers' Resistance:
  • Many government and private lawyers resisted Trump's illegal demands and behaved honorably.
  • Their refusal to participate was one of the determinative factors in Trump's coup failing.

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