RRR and Baahubali were huge hits, therefore SS Rajamouli is back with a new movie. The director is prepared to release a movie that tells the tale of Dadasaheb Phalke, who is frequently referred to as the "father of Indian cinema." Produced by Varun Gupta and SS Karthikeya, the movie is a biopic of Phalke with the working title Made In India. Nitin Kakkar will direct the biopic.
Called ‘Made In India’, the film is directed by Nitik Kakkar and produced by SS Rajamouli’s son SS Karthikeya
The director is getting ready to show a movie that tells the tale of Dadasaheb Phalke, who is frequently referred to as the "father of Indian cinema." Produced by Varun Gupta and SS Karthikeya, the movie is a biopic of Phalke with the working title Made In India. Nitin Kakkar will direct the biographical film.
The director's most recent movie, RRR, was a worldwide success. The movie, which starred Jr. NTR and Ram Charan, took home honours at the Golden Globes and Oscars. Now, according to rumours, the director is eager to recount the tale of "the birth and rise of Indian cinema." The movie, in the words of Rajamouli's agent, "promises to be a magnum opus on a huge scale and canvas." Rajamouli does not intend to helm the picture.
SS Rajamouli's latest endeavour
On Tuesday, the filmmaker shared a video statement on Twitter. "The narration affected me emotionally more than anything else when I first heard it. Making a biography is difficult in and of itself, but coming up with one that centres on the FATHER OF INDIAN CINEMA is much more difficult. "With enormous pleasure, presenting MADE IN INDIA (sic)," he tweeted. "Our boys are ready and up for it.
Making a biography is difficult in and of itself, but coming up with one that centres on the FATHER OF INDIAN CINEMA is much more difficult. Our boys are prepared and enthusiastic. rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) presents "MADE IN INDIA" with great pride.