Sunday, September 24, 2023

Historical Context of Trade Disputes Between Canada and India

Historical Context of Trade Disputes Between Canada and India

Trade relations between Canada and India date back to the 1940s, when India gained independence from British colonial rule. Since then, the two countries have maintained a diplomatic relationship, with Canada recognizing India as a sovereign nation in 1947.

However, trade disputes between the two countries have been ongoing for several decades. In the 1970s, India imposed restrictions on Canadian imports of asbestos, which was a major export for Canada at the time. This led to a trade dispute that lasted for several years, with Canada eventually winning a case against India in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

In recent years, trade disputes between Canada and India have centered around issues such as intellectual property rights, agricultural subsidies, and access to markets. In 2018, India imposed tariffs on Canadian chickpeas and lentils, which was seen as retaliation for Canada's decision to take action against Indian pulse imports that were contaminated with pests.

Another major issue in the trade relationship between Canada and India is the negotiation of a free trade agreement. Talks between the two countries began in 2010 but stalled in 2018, with both sides failing to reach an agreement on key issues such as dairy and intellectual property rights.

Overall, the trade relationship between Canada and India has been characterized by a mix of cooperation and conflict. While the two countries have worked together on issues such as climate change and education, trade disputes have been a recurring problem that has strained their relationship.

Key Trade Disputes

Trade relations between Canada and India have been strained in recent years, with several key disputes causing tension between the two countries. Some of the most significant trade disputes are:

Agricultural Products

India has long been a major market for Canadian agricultural products, particularly pulses like lentils and peas. However, in 2017, India imposed tariffs on these products, effectively shutting Canadian farmers out of the Indian market. The move was in response to Canadian restrictions on Indian imports of agricultural products like wheat and dairy.

Agricultural Trade

Visa Restrictions

Another source of tension between Canada and India has been visa restrictions. In 2018, India imposed new restrictions on visas for Canadian citizens, particularly those working in the tech industry. The move was seen as retaliation for Canada's arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, who was wanted by the United States on charges of violating sanctions against Iran.

Visa Trade

Intellectual Property

Canada and India have also been at odds over intellectual property issues. Canada has been pushing for stronger protections for its pharmaceutical industry, while India has been resisting these efforts. India has also been critical of Canada's patent system, which it sees as overly restrictive.

Intellectual Property

Investment Restrictions

Finally, Canada and India have been at odds over investment restrictions. India has placed limits on foreign investment in certain sectors, including retail and e-commerce. Canada has been pushing for greater access to these markets, but has so far been unsuccessful in its efforts.

Overall, these trade disputes have put a strain on Canada-India relations, and have hindered efforts to strengthen economic ties between the two countries. While there have been some efforts to resolve these issues, it remains to be seen whether a lasting resolution can be found.

Foreign Investment 

Impact on Bilateral Trade

The ongoing tensions between Canada and India have the potential to impact their bilateral trade relationship. According to a report by Reuters, trade talks between the two countries have already taken a hit as tensions rise. India's Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal has reportedly canceled a trip to Canada, and the two sides have put negotiations on hold.

Bilateral trade between India and Canada has grown significantly in recent years, reaching $8.16 billion in 2022-23, according to the Press Trust of India. India's exports to Canada include pharmaceuticals, gems and jewelry, textiles, and machinery, while Canada's exports to India include pulses, timber, pulp and paper, and mining products.

If the current tensions persist, it could lead to a decline in trade between the two countries. This could have a significant impact on both economies, particularly India, which relies heavily on exports to drive growth.

However, industry projections suggest that the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between Canada and India has the potential to enhance bilateral trade by up to $6.5 billion, leading to an estimated GDP increase of $3.8 billion to $5.9 billion for Canada by 2035, according to India Today.

It remains to be seen how the current tensions will impact trade between Canada and India in the long run. Both countries have a lot to gain from a strong trade relationship, and it is in their best interest to resolve their differences and continue to work towards a mutually beneficial partnership.

Bilateral Trade

Impact on Industries

The ongoing trade dispute between Canada and India has the potential to affect a wide range of industries in both countries. Bilateral trade between the two countries has grown significantly in recent years, reaching $8.16 billion in 2022-23. India's exports to Canada include pharmaceuticals, gems and jewelry, textiles, and machinery, while Canada's exports to India include pulses, timber, pulp and paper, and mining products.

The pharmaceutical industry in India, which is a major exporter to Canada, could be hit hard by the trade dispute. India is the world's largest supplier of generic drugs and exports more than 10% of its pharmaceutical products to Canada. Any disruption in trade could lead to a shortage of drugs and increased prices for Canadian consumers.

The Canadian agriculture sector, which exports pulses, canola, and other crops to India, is also likely to be affected. India is a major market for Canadian pulses, with exports worth $1.1 billion in 2021. The trade dispute could lead to a slowdown in exports and lost revenue for Canadian farmers.

The timber industry in Canada, which exports to India, is also likely to be affected. India is a major importer of Canadian timber, with exports worth $1.2 billion in 2021. Any disruption in trade could lead to a slowdown in exports and lost revenue for Canadian timber companies.

The mining industry in Canada, which exports to India, is also likely to be affected. India is a major importer of Canadian minerals, with exports worth $1.8 billion in 2021. Any disruption in trade could lead to a slowdown in exports and lost revenue for Canadian mining companies.

Overall, the trade dispute between Canada and India has the potential to cause significant economic damage to both countries. It remains to be seen how the dispute will be resolved and what the long-term impact will be on the affected industries.

Industrial Trade

Government Policies and Responses

The Canadian government has taken a firm stance on the trade dispute with India. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated that there is "credible" evidence that Indian government agents were behind the alleged assassination of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar, which has led to increased tensions between the two countries. The Canadian government has also expressed concern over India's recent trade policies, which have made it more difficult for Canadian companies to do business in the country.

In response to these concerns, the Canadian government has taken several steps to address the trade dispute with India. These include:

  • The establishment of a Canada-India Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment, which is aimed at increasing bilateral trade and investment between the two countries.

  • The appointment of a new Canadian High Commissioner to India, who is tasked with improving relations between the two countries and promoting Canadian business interests in India.

  • The provision of financial support to Canadian companies that are affected by India's recent trade policies, in order to help them maintain their presence in the Indian market.

The Indian government, for its part, has denied any involvement in the alleged assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar and has accused Canada of interfering in its internal affairs. India has also imposed tariffs on a range of Canadian products, including pulses, apples, and lentils, in response to Canada's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from India.

In response to India's tariffs, the Canadian government has taken steps to protect Canadian producers and exporters. These include:

  • The provision of financial assistance to Canadian farmers and producers who have been affected by India's tariffs on Canadian agricultural products.
  • The initiation of a World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement process, which is aimed at resolving the trade dispute between Canada and India.
  • The exploration of new markets for Canadian agricultural products, in order to reduce Canada's reliance on the Indian market.

Overall, the trade dispute between Canada and India remains a contentious issue, with both sides taking a firm stance on their respective positions. However, the Canadian government's efforts to address the issue and protect Canadian interests are likely to continue, as the dispute shows no signs of being resolved in the near future.

International Trade Law and Disputes

International trade law governs the exchange of goods and services between countries. It is a complex and constantly evolving field that seeks to promote free and fair trade while protecting the interests of all parties involved. When disputes arise between countries, there are several mechanisms in place to resolve them.

One such mechanism is the World Trade Organization (WTO), which is a global organization that regulates international trade. The WTO provides a forum for member countries to negotiate and enforce trade agreements, resolve disputes, and monitor national trade policies. Canada and India are both members of the WTO, and as such, they are bound by its rules and regulations.

In addition to the WTO, there are also bilateral and regional trade agreements between countries. For example, Canada and India have a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) that sets out the terms of trade between the two countries. The CEPA covers a wide range of issues, including tariffs, investment, intellectual property, and services.

Despite these agreements, disputes can still arise between countries. When this happens, there are several options for resolving the dispute. One option is to use the dispute settlement procedures provided by the WTO. These procedures involve a panel of experts who hear arguments from both sides and make a ruling on the dispute. The ruling is binding, and failure to comply can result in trade sanctions.

Another option is to use arbitration or mediation to resolve the dispute. These methods are less formal than the WTO procedures and involve a neutral third party who works with both sides to find a mutually acceptable solution.

In conclusion, international trade law is a complex field that seeks to promote free and fair trade while protecting the interests of all parties involved. When disputes arise between countries, there are several mechanisms in place to resolve them, including the WTO, bilateral and regional trade agreements, and arbitration or mediation.

Resolutions and Negotiations

Canada and India have been trying to resolve their trade disputes through negotiations and discussions. In 2020, the two countries held virtual talks to discuss the possibility of a free trade agreement. However, the talks were put on hold due to political issues between the two countries.

Negotiations for a free trade agreement between India and Canada are expected to resume after the resolution of political issues. A senior official has stated that the two countries are working towards resolving the issues and that negotiations will resume once the political situation improves.

The Canadian government has also been working to resolve the dispute over pulse exports to India. In 2019, India imposed tariffs on Canadian pulse exports, which led to a decline in trade between the two countries. The Canadian government has been working with the Indian government to find a solution to the issue.

In addition to negotiations, Canada and India have also been working to increase trade between the two countries. The two countries have been exploring opportunities in emerging sectors such as transportation infrastructure, life-sciences, and clean energy technology. Two-way merchandise trade between Canada and India was $10.1 billion in 2019, and both countries are looking to increase this number in the coming years.

Overall, while there have been trade disputes between Canada and India, the two countries are working towards finding a resolution through negotiations and discussions. The resumption of negotiations for a free trade agreement and the exploration of opportunities in emerging sectors are positive steps towards resolving the trade disputes between the two countries.

Resolution and Negotiation 

Future Prospects of Trade Relations

Although recent events have caused a pause in trade talks between Canada and India, there are still many potential future prospects for their trade relations. Both countries have shown a commitment to sealing an Early Progress Trade Agreement (EPTA) and a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), which would create vast new opportunities for boosting trade and investment flows.

One area of potential growth is in the agriculture sector. India is a major producer of agricultural products, and Canada has a strong reputation for high-quality agricultural exports. Increased trade in this sector could benefit both countries, with Canada exporting more meat and pulses to India, while India exports more fruits and vegetables to Canada.

Another area of potential growth is in the technology sector. Both Canada and India have thriving tech industries, and increased cooperation could lead to more investment and innovation. Canada is known for its expertise in artificial intelligence, while India is a major player in the software development industry.

Despite the recent tensions, both Canada and India have expressed a desire to continue negotiations and find a way forward. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, trade relations between countries will continue to be important for economic growth and development. With the right approach, Canada and India can overcome their current obstacles and build a strong and mutually beneficial trade relationship.


In conclusion, the trade disputes between Canada and India have been ongoing for several years, with tensions rising in recent times. Canada's relationship with India has been historically driven by trade and the presence of a large Indian diaspora in Canada. However, disputes over issues such as intellectual property rights, agricultural subsidies, and market access have contributed to the deterioration of the relationship.

The fatal shooting of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada has further escalated tensions between the two countries. India has accused Canada of harboring Sikh separatists, while Canada has denied these allegations. Experts believe that the current tensions could impact bilateral trade between the two countries, which amounted to just C$13.7bn in 2022.

Despite the challenges, both countries have expressed a commitment to resolving their differences and strengthening their trade relationship. The 6th Canada-India Ministerial Dialogue on Trade and Investment, held in May 2023, saw both countries agree to relaunch the Canada-India CEO Forum with renewed focus and a new set of priorities. Additionally, the two countries have been in talks for over a decade to establish a trade deal, which could further boost economic ties.

It remains to be seen how the current tensions will affect the future of Canada-India trade relations. However, both countries have a lot to gain from a strong trade partnership, and it is hoped that they will find a way to resolve their disputes and move forward together.

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