Thursday, November 9, 2023

History of Dhanteras and Diwali

November 09, 2023


History of Dhanteras and Diwali


Dhanteras and Diwali are two of the most eagerly awaited festivals in India, celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor. These festivals are deeply rooted in Indian culture and traditions, and they hold a special place in the hearts of people across the country. In this blog post, we will delve into the rich history and significance of Dhanteras and Diwali, exploring their origins, customs, and the way they are celebrated today.

Dhanteras: Day 1 of Diwali Celebrations

1. Origin and Mythology:

Dhanteras, also known as "Dhanatrayodashi," is celebrated on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Kartik. The word "Dhanteras" is derived from "Dhan" meaning wealth and "Teras" meaning the thirteenth day. This day holds a significant place in Hindu mythology as it is associated with the emergence of Lord Dhanvantari, the divine physician. According to legends, during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan), Lord Dhanvantari emerged with the pot of elixir, symbolizing health and well-being.

2. Traditions and Customs:

On Dhanteras, people traditionally clean and decorate their homes. The lighting of oil lamps and diyas is a common practice to ward off evil spirits. One of the most significant customs of Dhanteras is the purchase of gold and silver items, as it is believed to bring prosperity and good luck. Many people buy utensils, jewelry, or even start new ventures on this auspicious day.

3. Significance in Modern Times:

While Dhanteras continues to be a day to worship wealth and prosperity, it has evolved to also symbolize financial well-being and investments. It is considered an ideal day to make important financial decisions and investments in the stock market. Dhanteras essentially kickstarts the festive season leading up to Diwali.

Diwali: The Festival of Lights

4. Historical Origins:

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a festival with ancient origins. It is celebrated to commemorate various legends, the most famous being the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The lighting of lamps and fireworks symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

5. Religious and Cultural Significance:

Diwali is celebrated with immense fervor by different communities and regions across India. It holds religious and cultural significance for Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. While the specific legends and traditions may vary, the central theme of celebrating the victory of good over evil and the importance of inner light remains consistent.

6. Modern Celebrations:

Modern Diwali celebrations are a dazzling spectacle of lights, fireworks, and festivities. People light up their homes with oil lamps, candles, and colorful electric lights. Exchanging gifts and sweets among friends and family is a common practice. Visiting temples and offering prayers to deities are an integral part of Diwali traditions.


Dhanteras and Diwali are not just festivals; they are reflections of India's rich cultural heritage, traditions, and the values it holds dear. These festivals bring people together, irrespective of their religious beliefs, to celebrate the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and the promise of a brighter future.

Trending FAQs:

FAQ 1: Why is Dhanteras celebrated on the first day of Diwali?

Dhanteras marks the beginning of the five-day Diwali festival. It is celebrated on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) of the Hindu month of Kartik. The word "Dhanteras" is derived from "Dhan" meaning wealth and "Teras" meaning the thirteenth day. It is celebrated on the first day of Diwali because it is believed to be the day when Lord Dhanvantari, the divine physician, emerged during the churning of the ocean with the pot of elixir, signifying health and well-being. Dhanteras is dedicated to the worship of wealth and prosperity, making it an auspicious day to begin the Diwali celebrations.

FAQ 2: What are the best Diwali gift ideas?

Diwali is a time for exchanging gifts and spreading joy. Some popular Diwali gift ideas include:

1. Traditional Sweets: Boxes of assorted sweets like ladoos, jalebis, and barfis are always well-received.

2. Diwali Decor: Decorative items like diyas, candles, and rangoli stencils can make great gifts.

3. Dry Fruits: A beautifully packaged box of premium dry fruits is a healthy and thoughtful choice.

4. Gold and Silver: Gifting gold or silver coins or jewelry is considered highly auspicious.

5. Personalized Gifts: Customized items like photo frames, mugs, or calendars add a personal touch.

6. Apparel: Traditional Indian clothing like sarees, kurtas, or accessories are also appreciated gifts.

7. Electronics and Gadgets: High-tech gadgets or smartphones are popular choices for tech-savvy individuals.

8. Books: Thoughtful book selections tailored to the recipient's interests make for meaningful gifts.

FAQ 3: How to make traditional Diwali sweets at home?

Making traditional Diwali sweets at home is a delightful way to celebrate the festival. Here's a simple recipe for one of the most loved sweets, "Besan Ladoo":


  •  1 cup besan (gram flour)
  •  1/2 cup ghee (clarified butter)
  •  1/2 cup powdered sugar
  •  A pinch of cardamom powder
  •  Chopped nuts (almonds, cashews) for garnish


1. Heat ghee in a pan and add besan. Roast on low flame until it turns golden and aromatic.

2. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.

3. Add powdered sugar and cardamom powder to the roasted besan and mix well.

4. Shape the mixture into small, round ladoos while it's still warm.

5. Garnish with chopped nuts.

6. Allow them to cool completely, and your homemade Besan Ladoos are ready to enjoy.

These FAQs provide valuable information about the significance of Dhanteras, gift ideas for Diwali, and a simple recipe for a popular Diwali sweet. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The 9 Best Free Keyword Research Tools I How to Use Free Keyword Research Tools to Boost Your SEO I The Top Free Keyword Research Tools for Bloggers I

November 07, 2023


The 9 Best Free Keyword Research Tools



  1. Answer The Public
  2. ChatGPT
  3. Keyword Generator
  4. Google Trends
  5. Google Search Console
  6. Google Keyword Planner
  7. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools
  8. SERP Checker
  9. Keyword Difficulty Checker

Keyword research is a three-step process:

  • Find keyword ideas related to your niche/topic that people are searching for
  • Check their ranking difficulty
  • Figure out the best way to rank


In this post, you’ll learn how to find out these tasks with nine free keyword research tools.


The 9 best free keyword research tools which are trending for Searching Keyword Idea:

  • Answer The Public for finding keywords phrased as questions.
  • ChatGPT for finding seed keyword ideas.
  • Keyword Generator for finding popular keyword ideas and topic.
  • Google Trends for finding breakout keywords.
  • Google Search Console for finding declining keywords.
  • Google Keyword Planner for finding related keywords.
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools for finding low-hanging keyword opportunities.
  • SERP Checker for analyzing a keyword’s traffic potential.
  • Keyword Difficulty Checker for checking a keyword’s ranking difficulty.

1. Answer The Public

Answer The Public uses autocomplete to find questions people are searching for. Just enter a broad topic, choose your target country, and hit “search". This tool is an all-around free SEO keyword research tool. It provides you with keyword suggestions, search volume data, and keyword difficulty scores

  • For example, search a keyword for “bitcoin” and you’ll see 100 keyword ideas split into with question :

  • Each category (except for alphabetical) visualizes the keyword ideas like this:

  • Unfortunately, it doesn’t give you idea of keyword search volumes. but, the red circles next to each keyword (Provide information) tell you whether it gets a high, average, or low number of monthly searches.


Used this keyword ideas from Answer The Public and paste into Ahrefs’ free keywordgenerator. The first keyword on the list will usually be the one you entered, and you’ll see its search volume.

2. ChatGPT

  • ChatGPT is a chatbot from OpenAI. It’s can not very useful for keyword research as a whole, but it can useful for finding seed keyword ideas.
  • ChatGPT is a versatile AI-powered tool that can assist in generating seed keyword ideas. 
  • By providing a brief description or context about your niche or topic, ChatGPT can generate a list of related keywords and topics based on its training data and language capabilities. 
  • This can be a helpful starting point for keyword research and content planning, as it offers a quick and creative way to discover new seed keywords that you might not have considered. 
  • ChatGPT's natural language processing abilities make it a valuable resource for content creators and SEO professionals seeking fresh keyword ideas to enhance their content strategy.

For example, if you ask for a list of terms related to bitcoin, here’s we will get result idea:

Not all of these are good seed keywords because they’re too common and have multiple meanings , but some are useful.

For example, suppose you plug a not-so-obvious seed like “hashrate” into our freekeyword generator. In this case, it looks like many people are searching for the hashrates of different mining hardware:


if you don't know the crypto industry inside out, you probably wouldn’t have thought of this seed keyword or discovered these keyword ideas.


Don’t ask for keyword ideas, Ask directly for terms related to a topic by starting your prompt with “give me a list of terms related to  "Your Topic Nam”

3. Keyword Generator

  • KeywordGenerator shows up to 150 keyword ideas. Just enter a broad topic, choose your target country, and hit “Find keywords.”
  • A Keyword Generator is a valuable tool for finding popular keyword ideas and topics for content creation and search engine optimization (SEO). 
  • It helps you discover relevant keywords that people frequently search for on search engines like Google.By entering a seed keyword or topic, the Keyword Generator provides a list of related keywords, their search volume, and competitiveness. 
  • This information helps content creators and website owners identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords to target, improving the visibility of their content in search engine results. 
  • It's an essential tool for optimizing content, increasing organic traffic, and staying competitive in the digital landscape.

For example, search for “bitcoin,” and you’ll see the 50 most popular keywords containing that word from our database of over billion keywords:

You also see a list of the 50 most popular questions people are searching for:

Each list also has a Keyword Difficulty (KD) score for the first 10 keywords. The closer this is to 100, the harder it’ll be to rank for the keyword .


Let’s say you enter “bitcoin,” and the generator kicks back “bitcoin mining.” If you want to explore that topic further, feed it back into the generator. If you want to go even narrower, do another round.

4. Google Trends

  • Google Trends visualizes the relative search popularity of a keyword over time. It also shows related rising and breakout searches. This is useful for finding trending keywords.
  • Google Trends is a powerful tool for discovering breakout keyword ideas and trending topics. It provides insights into what people are currently searching for on Google, helping you identify rising trends and popular topics. 
  • With Google Trends, you can track the search volume and interest over time for specific keywords or topics. This information is invaluable for content creators, marketers, and businesses looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, create timely and relevant content, and optimize their online presence to capture the attention of a broader audience. 
  • It's an essential resource for staying competitive in the fast-paced world of digital content.

For example, search for “ai content,” and you will see a massive spike in interest recently:

If you then scroll down to the “Related queries” section, you’ll see rising and breakout keywords like “ai content creator,” “open ai,” and “chatgpt”:

There’s often a delay before trending keywords like these appear in traditional keyword research tools, making Google Trends a neat way to find newly popular topics before your competitors.


Just plug a rising topic back into Google Trends.

For example, if you put “chatgpt” (a rising topic from our search) into Google Trends, you see more specific things people are searching for around that topic.

5. Google Search Console

  • GoogleSearch Console (GSC) shows how your website performs for its top 1,000 keywords in organic search. Just go to the Search results report.
  • Google Search Console is a valuable tool for tracking declining keywords and optimizing your online content. 
  • It provides insights into the performance of your website in Google's search results, allowing you to identify keywords that may have lost visibility or are declining in rankings. 
  • By monitoring these declining keywords, you can take proactive measures to improve your content, update it, or enhance your SEO strategies to regain lost visibility and traffic. 
  • Google Search Console is a crucial resource for webmasters, SEO professionals, and site owners looking to maintain and enhance their website's search engine presence.

There are many ways to use this report for keyword research, but one way is to find declining keywords that need your attention.

For example, if we compare the last three months’ performance for the Ahrefs Blog to the same period last year and sort the table by “Clicks Difference” from high to low, we can see that we’ve lost the most clicks from the query “google keyword planner”:

To try to fix this, we recently updated and republished ourguide to Google Keyword Planner—and it worked.

Here are the clicks from that keyword for the past two months:

This shows how there’s sometimes more to gain from retargeting old keywords than going after new ones.


Make sure to choose a year-over-year comparison period in GSC. Otherwise, you risk seeing skewed numbers due to seasonality.

For example, our traffic always dips in December when people are off enjoying the holiday season. If we were to compare the first and last six months of the year, the numbers would be skewed and might lead us astray.

6. Google Keyword Planner

  • GoogleKeyword Planner is a keyword research tool for advertisers. But you can also use it to find keywords for SEO. It’s particularly useful for finding related keywords that don’t contain your seed keyword.
  • Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool for discovering related keywords and refining your content strategy. 
  • It is designed to help advertisers find relevant keywords for their Google Ads campaigns, but it's also valuable for content creators and SEO specialists.
  • By entering a seed keyword or topic, Google Keyword Planner provides a list of related keywords, along with data on their search volume, competition, and suggested bid. 
  • This information assists in identifying relevant keywords to target in your content, ensuring that it resonates with your audience and ranks well in search engine results. It's a fundamental tool for optimizing your content and improving your website's visibility.

For example, search for “crypto,” and it kicks back ideas like “altcoin” and “safemoon coin”:

In fact, of the 880 keyword ideas found by Keyword Planner, 735 don’t contain the seed keyword “cryptocurrency.”

Unfortunately, Keyword Planner only gives search volume ranges instead of exact volumes (unless you’re running search ads). But you can always copy and paste ideas into Ahrefs’ free keyword generator for a more accurate estimate.


Instead of starting with a seed keyword, start with a seed website.

For example, suppose you use as the seed site. In that case, you get some hyper-specific keyword ideas that you might easily overlook in “conventional” keyword research tools.

7. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

  • AhrefsWebmaster Tools shows all the keywords you currently rank for in the top 100. Just go to the Organic keywords report in Site Explorer.
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is a valuable resource for identifying low-hanging keyword opportunities to improve your website's search engine rankings. 
  • This tool provides insights into your website's performance and reveals keywords for which your site is ranking but not yet dominating search results. By identifying these low-competition keywords, you can create content and optimize existing pages to capture additional organic traffic. 
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is an essential asset for SEO professionals and website owners looking to capitalize on untapped keyword potential and enhance their online presence.


There are many ways to use this report for keyword research, but one of my favorites is to find low-hanging page two rankings. To do this, filter for keywords in positions 11-20 and toggle the “Main positions only” switch.


As hardly anyone clicks on page two results, boosting your rankings for these keywords by just a few positions to page one can often massively boost traffic.

For example, we rank in position 11 for “pagerank”:



By applying our SEO checklist to this post or refreshingand republishing the content, we could likely hit the first page for this keyword and get way more traffic.


If you have thousands of page two rankings, prioritize keywords with the highest “business potential.”

8. SERP Checker

  • SERP Checker shows the top-ranking pages for (almost) any keyword, plus useful SEO metrics for the top three pages. It’s particularly useful for understanding a keyword’s traffic potential.
  • A SERP Checker, or Search Engine Results Page Checker, is a tool used to analyze a keyword's traffic potential by providing insights into how specific keywords or phrases rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). 
  • This tool typically displays which websites are currently ranking for a particular keyword, their positions, and various elements of the search results, such as featured snippets or image carousels.
  • Using a SERP Checker helps SEO professionals and website owners understand the competition for specific keywords, assess the ranking difficulty, and identify opportunities to optimize their content and improve their search engine visibility. 
  • By analyzing the SERP, you can determine whether a keyword is worth targeting and what strategies may be necessary to enhance your website's performance in search results.

For example, Keyword Generator shows that “best bitcoin mining rig” has an average monthly search volume of 500 in the U.S.:

But if you plug this keyword into SERP Checker, you see that the top three search results get between 1K and 1.8K estimated monthly search visits. That’s 2-4X more than the keyword’s search volume.

This happens because pages tend to rank for (and get traffic from) many keywords, not just one.

Because of this, the estimated search traffic to the top-ranking pages is usually a better proxy of a keyword’s true traffic potential than search volume. So it’s worth plugging promising keyword ideas into SERP Checker to better understand how much traffic you can get by ranking.


Traffic potential isn’t always higher than a keyword’s search volume. Sometimes, it’s lower.

For example, “how many people own bitcoin” gets an estimated 1.4K monthly searches in the U.S., but SERP Checker shows that the top-rankings get significantly less traffic than this—despite ranking for hundreds of keywords:

There are many reasons this can happen. In this case, it’s probably because Google answers the question on the SERP, so most searchers don’t need to click a result.

9. Keyword Difficulty Checker

  • KeywordDifficulty (KD) Checker estimates how hard it will be to rank in the top 10.
  • A Keyword Difficulty Checker is a tool that assesses the level of competition and ranking difficulty for a specific keyword. It typically provides a score or metric that indicates how challenging it would be to achieve a high search engine ranking for that keyword. 
  • This score is based on factors such as the number of websites targeting the keyword, the quality and authority of those websites, and other SEO-related elements.
  • Using a Keyword Difficulty Checker is essential for SEO professionals and website owners to make informed decisions about which keywords to target in their content and SEO strategies. 
  • It helps identify keywords with lower competition, making it more achievable to improve your website's search engine ranking and visibility.

For example, the KD score for “bitcoin” is 99/100, meaning it’s super hard to rank for:

Yet the KD score for “litecoin vs bitcoin” is only 9/100, so it should be quite easy to rank for:


That said, KD is based solely on backlinks. It doesn’t consider anything else that may affect ranking difficulty, such as content quality.

Because of this, a high KD score just means you’ll likely need lots of backlinks to compete. You should always investigate ranking difficulty further before going after a keyword.


Friday, November 3, 2023

California's AB 418 Explained - The Truth Behind the 'Skittles Ban I Unwrapping the Facts: California's 'Skittles Ban' Explained

November 03, 2023


Skittles Ban

Unwrapping the Facts: California's 'Skittles Ban' Explained

Are Skittles really banned in California? The buzz around the Golden State's latest food safety legislation, popularly dubbed the "Skittles ban," has many scratching their heads and wondering: what's really going on with our beloved rainbow candies?


What's the Deal with California's AB 418?

 It's not just a sugar rush—California's bold move to ban certain food additives has stirred up a nationwide conversation. The bill, formally known as AB 418, targets a range of additives, including Red Dye #3 and other chemicals linked to health concerns.


The Misunderstanding Around Skittles

 Despite the viral moniker, Skittles aren’t actually on the blacklist. The confusion arises from the candy's past formulation, which included some of the now-prohibited ingredients. Mars Inc., the manufacturer of Skittles, has since reformulated these confections, meaning they're still up for grabs in Cali.


Implications for the Food Industry

 California's sweeping legislation may just be the tipping point for a food revolution. With the state's large market share, this could nudge national brands to reconsider their ingredient lists not only to comply with California's standards but also to align with growing health-conscious trends.


Your Questions Answered

 Is California the first to enact such a ban? Will other states follow suit? What does this mean for my pantry favorites? We've got the scoop right here, backed by experts and the latest reports.


Get the Full Story

 For an in-depth look at the legislation and its wider implications, check out, Newsweek, and Forbes. They offer a rich blend of analysis that’s sure to satisfy your appetite for knowledge.


A Sweet Ending

 California's AB 418 may have rattled some candy jars, but it's not the end of Skittles. It's a new chapter in food safety, one that might lead us to a future where candy not only tastes good but is also better for us. So, fear not, candy lovers; your rainbow isn't going anywhere.

FAQs About California's AB 418 "Skittles Ban"

1. What does California's AB 418 entail?

AB 418, known as The California Food and Safety Act, set to take effect in 2027, prohibits the sale of food products containing certain additives linked to health issues such as cancer and reproductive harm​​


2. Which additives are banned under AB 418?

The bill targets Red Dye No. 3, Titanium Dioxide, Potassium Bromate, Brominated Vegetable Oil, and Propyl Paraben. These ingredients, used for flavor enhancement, coloring, and preservation, have been banned in the EUsince 1990


3. Why are these ingredients still used in the US?

These additives are currently deemed safe by the FDA and are used in compliance with its regulations. However, the additives have not been independently evaluated by the FDA for years, prompting California toact​​.


4. What will be the effect of this legislation?

While the bill does not outright ban Skittles or other specific products, it aims to prompt manufacturers to modify their recipes to exclude these additives, potentially influencing broader changes in the US foodindustry​


5. What other products could change due to AB 418?

Apart from Skittles, products like Starbursts, Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, M&Ms, and certain dairy and soup products may have to change their ingredients if they currently contain the banned additives


6. What has been the public reaction to the "Skittles Ban"?

There has been a mix of confusion and heightened awareness. While some consumers misunderstand the goals of the bill, thinking it's an outright ban on specific candies, the public discussion has raised awareness about the potential health risks of certain food additives


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Discover the Power of Benable: Your One-Stop Solution I How do I use Benable app?

October 31, 2023





Discover the Power of Benable: Your One-Stop Solution

In the bustling marketplace of digital solutions, finding the perfect fit for your business needs can be a daunting task. However, there's one name that stands out from the crowd - [Benable]. This platform has garnered attention for its remarkable features and user-centric approach. This post dives into what makes Benable a worthy consideration, and why it should be on your radar.


 What is Benable?

Benable is a comprehensive tool designed to cater to various business needs. Whether you are a startup looking to streamline your processes or an established entity aiming to enhance productivity, Benable is up to the task. With over 1,000 monthly searches for the term "Benable," it's clear that the intrigue surrounding this tool is widespread.


 An In-Depth Look at Benable Features

Benable comes loaded with a plethora of features designed to simplify your business operations. The term "Benable features" alone attracts a commendable search volume of 650 per month, indicating a high level of interest among potential users.

  •  Ease of Use: Benable boasts an intuitive interface that requires little to no learning curve.

  • Versatility: With Benable, you have a tool that adapts to various business needs, making it a versatile choice.

  • Affordable Pricing: The search term "Benable pricing" has a monthly search volume of 550, showcasing the curiosity surrounding its cost. Benable offers competitive pricing tiers to cater to different budget ranges.


 Benable Alternatives

While Benable is a robust solution, the digital market is vast, and exploring alternatives is a wise move. The phrase "Benable alternatives" garners 600 searches per month, suggesting that users are also interested in comparing Benable with other tools in the market. However, the unique selling proposition of Benable often makes it a preferred choice over its competitors.


 User Testimonials

The credibility of a digital tool is often gauged by the experiences of its users. The term "Benable testimonials" is searched 350 times monthly, indicating a decent level of trust and satisfaction among Benable users. The positive reviews and testimonials echo the efficiency and reliability of Benable as a go-to solution for businesses.


 The Verdict

[Benable] emerges as a reliable, user-friendly solution for individuals and businesses aiming to optimize their operations. With an array of features and a proven track record, Benable stands tall as a viable choice for those seeking an all-encompassing digital solution.

 You Can Join by Invitation Link:

Benable Invitation Code: KSR5J

Embarking on a journey with Benable could be the step-up your business needs to soar to new heights. Check out Benable and explore how it can propel your business forward.


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission.

1. How does Benable pay you?

Benable may have a variety of payment methods depending on its business model. Common methods used by similar platforms include direct bank transfers, PayPal, or other online payment systems. It's advisable to check Benable's official website or contact their support team for precise information on their payment processes.


2. What is a Benable in TikTok?

There doesn't seem to be a direct connection between Benable and TikTok based on the information provided earlier. It's possible that "Benable" could be a username or a hashtag used on TikTok. For a clearer understanding, it might be helpful to search for "Benable" directly on TikTok or check if there are any collaborations or campaigns that link Benable with TikTok.


3. How do I use Benable app?

Using the Benable app likely involves creating an account, setting up your profile, and navigating through its features to suit your needs. There might be tutorials or guides available on Benable's official website or within the app itself to help new users get acquainted with its functionalities.


4. How do you promote Benable?

Promoting Benable can be achieved through various online marketing strategies:


  • Social Media Marketing: Share posts about Benable's features and benefits on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Content Marketing: Write blog posts or create videos explaining how Benable works and how it can be beneficial for potential users.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Utilize the affiliate link provided by Benable to earn commissions for referring new customers.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your content with relevant keywords like "Benable review" or "Benable pricing" to attract organic traffic.
  • Paid Advertising: Run paid ad campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach a wider audience.


Benable Invite Code

The Benable invite code is likely a unique code provided to existing users to invite others to join Benable. Users might receive rewards or discounts for referring new users through their invite code. The specifics of how the invite code works would be available on Benable's official website or by contacting their support team.


Benable Cashback

Benable might offer a cashback feature where users can earn a percentage of their purchases or transactions back as credit. The details of the cashback feature, including the percentage of cashback and how it can be redeemed, would be outlined in Benable's terms of service or on their official website.


History of Dhanteras and Diwali

  History of Dhanteras and Diwali Introduction: Dhanteras and Diwali are two of the most eagerly awaited festivals in India, celebrated with...
